Cure Your Chronic Disease

CureCoach | Gary Debrauwere

Meet our CIMT Ultrasound Scanners


Gary Debrauwere

785 Newton Ct., Merced, CA 95348



“I began my journey concerned about my life based on my family history of heart disease, which cast a shadow over my future. The consequences of this disease, which had claimed the lives of many of my loved ones, were all too real and frightening. In my quest for answers and a possible solution, I discovered The CureCenter for Chronic Disease. This gave me hope in my time of uncertainty.

“My professional life in the ICU of a medical center was a stark reminder of the grim reality of chronic disease. I witnessed firsthand the suffering of patients, their lives hanging by a thread due to delayed intervention. The sight of their pain and the knowledge of their progression of disease was a wake-up call. It was a harsh lesson that such outcomes were not inevitable but were the result of a system that often failed those it was meant to protect. This realization ignited me to help others from a similar fate.

“With The CureCenter, I underwent an ultrasound screening which confirmed my own disease. The disease was not just a threat to my longevity but also to the quality of my life. The knowledge was a bitter pill to swallow, but it also brought with it a glimmer of hope. I learned that the disease could be halted, and even reversed, offering a chance at a healthier, longer life.

“Armed with this knowledge, I am now more determined than ever to ensure that others have the same opportunity. I want to use my experience and knowledge to help others navigate their health journeys, to offer them the chance to take control of their health and their lives. I am committed to making a difference, to changing the narrative around chronic diseases, and to offering hope where there was once only despair.”